Thursday, October 27, 2011

Preschool Update

One of the fun things about Peter's school is that the teachers take pictures during class and they post them on a private account online. So fun to see what he is doing at Pre-school. I can tell that he is really liking his classmates and teachers. It is a fun time.

first day
This was taken the first day of class. They use it for their cubby boxes--the teacher laminated each of their pictures on the front of their cubbies so that they would know which one is theirs. I have to say, he looks a little over excited here. :)

hanging out
I have no idea what they are doing here, but it is a pretty cute picture. I like how happy he looks.

reading books

Ms. Colleen and Ms. Anna
Ms. Colleen has been a teacher at Peter's preschool for at least 15 years. Her son went to preschool there and is now a senior in high school. Peter really likes Ms. Colleen and Ms. Anna!

This is not of Peter obviously but I went to high school with each of these boys' mothers. I also think it is a pretty sweet picture of boys playing together. Peter has not quite mastered how to pedal a tricycle although I am sure once he does he will want to give the kids rides around the playground.

They have a big pipe that the kids can walk or bike through on the playground. He looks pretty proud.

This morning when I was reviewing the letter "D" with Matthew and Peter I was going over their bible verses as well. Peter was able to sing to me both of the verses they have learned so far--"A friend loves at all times" (to the tune of Farmer in the Dell) and "Listen to what God says" (to the tune of London Bridges). It was really sweet.

We are really thankful that such a great preschool is so close by!

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