it feels good to be "caught up" on the blog. I couldn't end tonight's postings without mentioning Peter's latest fixation: stickers.
He loves stickers!! He loves to put them all over his face, shirts, pants, etc.
I bought him a bunch of cat stickers for his birthday (195 to be exact). I was storing them in the entertainment center in a box. Each time he asked for more stickers, I would go to the entertainment center to get them. By the time he finished the box of stickers, he was convinced that cat stickers came from the entertainment center. For at least a week, he kept going to the cabinet and pointing. Basically saying, "I would like some more cat stickers." It was pretty funny.
Anyways, stickers are a great way to kill time. He will play with them for 10-15 minutes--which is a lot in mom world.
Sometimes the stickers end up in places they shouldn't go....
Peter is not a very sneaky kid....but the other morning he did surprise me. I had brought Matthew into the nursery and told Peter to come in there so that I could change his diaper.
I was busy pulling Peter's clothes out for the day when he finally came into the room. I turned around only to see that he was pouring apple puree all over Matthew's belly. Matthew was quite entertained and I just decided the best thing to do would be to take a picture. :) I also decided that Peter was just trying to feed Matthew....right???