Monday, June 15, 2009

What I've Been Working On

I alluded in a previous post that there was a reason for not writing on this blog very frequently. That reason would be pictured above. :)

Baby #2 is due at the end of September. If you know where to look you can see that the bottom left picture shows it is a boy! We are really excited!

The second pregnancy has been as smooth as the last. And hopefully it stays that way. I was extremely tired during the first trimester and definitely not as nauseous this time around--which was very much appreciated. I have felt a lot more emotional this time--so emotional that I thought I might be having a girl (sorry, baby). I am very very very very happy to be having another boy. Boys are fun! And we already have all the clothes and stuff. And now we don't have to worry about them sharing a room, etc.

I was very thankful to be through the first trimester--I just had no energy and couldn't even fathom sitting down at the computer to write about it.

I just finished my glucose test last week and I passed! Very thankful to have sailed through that one this time. Last time I had to go back and take the 3 hour test.

(Yes, that is my handwriting scrawled at the top of the glucose bottle: "Do not drink unless you are Michelle." So many people using our fridge, you can't take any chances.)

Even though it is an excuse to sit and watch TV for 3 hours....I just don't have that time....The doctor did say that I have slightly low iron--perhaps that is why I have still been feeling so tired! I am hoping once I start taking iron supplements my energy will improve.

We just took Peter to his 15 month appointment and the doctor recommended we buy him a baby doll (I didn't really think we would be buying dolls with 2 boys running around, but whatever :)) and a book about being a big brother. I am not sure how helpful that will really be, but it will make us feel better. It will be interesting to see how he adapts to all of the change! I think he will be a great big brother.

Peter, sporting his "big brother" shirt, on the night that we told Gramps and Omi about baby #2! I think he is not quite sure what it all means...and that is still the case months later.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Favorites and Cha Cha Changes......

I really haven't devoted enough time to Peter's LOVE of books. It is pretty crazy.
In preparation for his arrival, I read a lot of books. Many of them say to start reading to them at an early I did. Not much to do during wake time in the beginning, except re-acquaint yourself with the old classics, "The Hungry Catepillar" and "The Snowy Day," etc. Peter started to "read" those books when he was just a few days old.

When he learned to crawl and lie on his tummy, he spent a lot of time looking at books.

And he still does.

It doesn't really matter what the context is. He can spend about 10 minutes (yeah. I know!) looking at 1 book. This obviously comes in really really handy at church. By the time he has gone through 3 or 4 books, the service is almost done.

He doesn't just look at them, he LOOKS at them. He examines every page, and then when he has completed the book, he turns it upside down and starts all over.

He seems to really enjoy these great "peek-a-boo" books that we got from Aunt Chanoli. He has "loved" them a lot. We have had to tape the flaps back onto the pages. I am kind of rationing them out so that they don't get loved all at once.
This was his first German meal. He is starting to eat more and more table food. The transition was challenging for me. But I think I am figuring it out a little more these days. Anyway, here he is enjoying some Nuremburger Sausage and some fried potatoes. YUM.
We are working on teaching him the Children's Catechism. The first question is, "Who Made You?" And the answer is, "God!" Sometimes Peter will randomly raise his hand as he is right now. Is that taking the Lord's name in vain? :)
He has recently been "trained" to use the phones in the office. I am not sure exactly what the training has involved, but I hear he likes the hold button.

Last week, Omi showed him the wonders of a digital camera. He was VERY interested in looking at himself on the screen (99% of Omi's pictures are of Peter, so it worked out. the other 1% are of the cats...ha ha)
Here is Peter kissing himself on the screen of the camera. We are going to have to work on his narcissism.